Antonius Vertragus

Antonius Vertragus Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais


Antonius Vertragus - JBOB & JBOS at the French DH Specialty 2016

JBOB & JBOS at the French DH Specialty 2016

We are proud of our Lancret and Maasaï Mara who won JBOB and JBOS at the french Deerhound Specialty 2016 in Nantes ! On the same day, Lancret's father, FINROD, was winning rCC in England...
Antonius Vertragus - 53th Eurodogshow 2016 - BOB & JBOB

53th Eurodogshow 2016 - BOB & JBOB

53th EURODOGSHOW 2016 Barnesmore EMBASSADOR won BEST OF BREED / remporte le MEILLEUR DE RACE (CACIB - CAC) & Antonius Vertragus LANCRET won BEST OF BREED JUNIOR / remporte le MEILLEUR JEUNE...
Antonius Vertragus - AV Lancret - BEST IN SHOW Jeune à Pompadour

AV Lancret - BEST IN SHOW Jeune à Pompadour

Antonius Vertragus LANCRET MEILLEUR JEUNE CHIEN de l'EXPOSITION Spéciale Lévriers de POMPADOUR 2016
Antonius Vertragus - AV Lancret - Meilleur Jeune à Pompadour

AV Lancret - Meilleur Jeune à Pompadour

Antonius Vertragus LANCRET MEILLEUR JEUNE de sa RACE Spéciale Lévriers de POMPADOUR 2016
Antonius Vertragus - BOB : AV Lancret & BOS : AV Maasaï Mara

BOB : AV Lancret & BOS : AV Maasaï Mara

1st RALIE Junior Day in Forges-les-Eaux (FR) judged by Ian Finney (IR) 55 dogs engaged (DH & IWH) Antonius Vertragus LANCRET won BEST MALE and BEST OF BREED, Antonius Vertragus MAASAÏ...
Antonius Vertragus - BOB & BOS at the 1st RALIE Junior Day !

BOB & BOS at the 1st RALIE Junior Day !

Great day at the 1st RALIE Junior Day in Forges-les-Eaux (FR) judged by Ian Finney (IR) 55 dogs engaged (DH & IWH) BEST OF BREED : Antonius Vertragus LANCRET BEST OPPOSITE SEX : Antonius Ve...
Antonius Vertragus - BOB, JBOB and BIS Puppy at Wandhond Festival 2016 - Luxembourg

BOB, JBOB and BIS Puppy at Wandhond Festival 2016 - Luxembourg

Great day for us at the Wandhond Festival 2016 in Luxembourg judged by Csilla Juhacz (H) FINROD von Averlon won BEST OF BREED, his son Antonius Vertragus LANCRET won BEST JUNIOR and Antonius Ve...
Antonius Vertragus - Spéciale de Race : BEST OF BREED, BOS and JBOB

Spéciale de Race : BEST OF BREED, BOS and JBOB

At the french Specialty in Douai, judged by David MILLER (USA), Ch. Finrod von Averlon won BEST OF BREED, CACIB - CACS and his daughter Antonius Vertragus Lascaux won BEST JUNIOR and BEST FEMALE !!...
Antonius Vertragus - Championnat de France 2016

Championnat de France 2016

CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE 2016   FINROD von Averlon won 1st EXC : CACS & CACIB in Open Class and BOS ! He is now International CHAMPION !
Antonius Vertragus - French Breed Show 2016

French Breed Show 2016

Our puppies after the Breed Show judged by Betina Adams (UK) Antonius Vertragus Lancret (7,5 months) Antonius Vertragus Lascaux (7,5 months) Antonius Vertragus Maasaï Mara (3 months) All Ve...
Antonius Vertragus - Antonius Vertagus LASCAUX - Best Puppy

Antonius Vertagus LASCAUX - Best Puppy

For her first show, BEST PUPPY - Very Promising at the 92nd International Dog Show Luxembourg 2016 Antonius Vertragus LASCAUX (6 months) (Ch. Finrod v. Averlon X Ch. Rihanna v.d. Oelmühle)...
Antonius Vertragus - Int. Ch. Rihanna v.d. Oelmühle at Antonius Vertragus

Int. Ch. Rihanna v.d. Oelmühle at Antonius Vertragus

92nd International Dog Show - Luxembourg 2016 BEST OF BREED - CACIB - CACL International Champion Rihanna von der Oelmühle at Antonius Vertragus (Neroche Indigo X Ebony von der Oelmühle...
Antonius Vertragus - Girls at school

Girls at school

AV Lascaux (6 months) Finrod v. Averlon X Rihanna v.d. Oelmühle AV Maasaï Mara (2 months) Barnesmore Embassador X Passion v.d. Oelmühle
Antonius Vertragus - AV Lascaux

AV Lascaux

Antonius Vertagus LANCRET (6 months) Finrod von Averlon X Rihanna von der Oelmühle
Antonius Vertragus - AV Lancret

AV Lancret

Antonius Vertagus LANCRET (6 months) Finrod von Averlon X Rihanna von der Oelmühle