Antonius Vertragus

Antonius Vertragus Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais

ANTIOPE et CUPIDON remportent la Nationale d'Elevage du Deerhound 2022

Actualité publié le 01/08/2022

Antonius Vertragus - ANTIOPE et CUPIDON remportent la Nationale d'Elevage du Deerhound 2022


RALIE Deerhound Breed Show 2022

? BOB is won by our beloved ANTIOPE ?

Antonius Vertragus Nymphe-et-Satyre

? BOS is won by our gentle CUPIDON ?

Antonius Vertragus Narcisse-et-Cupidon

We are very grateful to the judge breed specialist Mrs Ali Morton (Cotherstone Deerhounds) from Scotland for having appreciated our Deerhounds, we congratulate all the participants and also all those who were involved in the organization of this RALIE Nationale d'Élevage edition which was a real success!
