Antonius Vertragus

Antonius Vertragus Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais


Actualité publié le 09/05/2022

Antonius Vertragus - CUPIDON BEST IN SHOW

Back from Amiens International Dog Show 2022

Antonius Vertragus Narcisse-et-Cupidon won BEST IN SHOW ?

under sighthound specialist Mr Yves-Emmanuel Vilanova for BOB and BOG and under respected all breed judge Mr Jean-Jacques Dupas for BIS!

We are very grateful to them for having so highly appreciated our beloved CUPIDON ?

We warmly thank all those who encouraged and supported us before and during the ring of honour and for the pictures by Sabine Diette.

We also congratulate all the participants and especially those with whom we had the pleasure to share the podiums: Anhein Flávio BOG2, Sibylle Benoit BOG3, Anne Hélene BIS2 and Céline Calloch BIS3 for their beautiful dogs and for their win. Of course we do not forget also to thank the Association Canine Territoriale Nord de la Picardie for the organisation.

