Antonius Vertragus

Antonius Vertragus Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais

BOB et BOS à Pompadour 2021

Actualité publié le 09/12/2021

Antonius Vertragus - BOB et BOS à Pompadour 2021

Plus grand rassemblement d'Europe de Lévriers

POMPADOUR Sighthound Specialty 2021 ??


?BOB. Antonius Vertragus Narcisse-et-Cupidon

?BOS. Antonius Vertragus Nymphe-et-Satyre


Thank you very much to the judge for having appreciated our deerhounds, thank you very much also to Valerie Masson for her handling help for the BOB competition, congratulations to all and especially to Carmela and Seraphin both CAC.

We are really proud of Antiope and Cupidon who won also BOB during last Pompadour edition in 2019.

