Antonius Vertragus

Antonius Vertragus Levrier Ecossais

Levrier Ecossais

BOB & BOS au Junior Day du RALIE 2018

Actualité publié le 16/07/2018

Antonius Vertragus - BOB & BOS au Junior Day du RALIE 2018

Great day for us at the RALIE Junior Day 2018

BOB & BOS for the 3rd consecutive year!

BOB. Antonius Vertragus Nymphe-et-Satyre (8 Mos)

BOS. Antonius Vertragus Nemrod (16 Mos)

More pictures:,antonius-vertragus,photos,44787_1401248.html


Antonius Vertragus Nymphe-et-Satyre, also known as "Antiope" is out of Antonius Vertragus Maasaï Mara by Infidèle-et-Sarrasin du Triple Bois and Antonius Vertragus Nemrod is out of Rihanna von der Oelmühle by Barnesmore Embassador.

Thank you very much to the judge Gino Decruy (BE) for appreciating our Deerhounds, thank you very much to Claire Honorin, Legrand Sabine and Ariane Ludanyi for the beautiful pictures and huge congratulations to all!
